March 19, 2025 10:51:52 AM Menu

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Waziri wa Vijana na Utamaduni wa Jamaica , Lisa Hannah amezua mjadala kwa kupost picha akiwa amevaa bikini na top yenye picha ya Bob Marley.
Lisa ambaye amewahi kuwa Miss World mwaka 1993, alipost picha hiyo kwenye ukurasa wake wa facebook na kusababisha mjadala juu ya picha hiyo, wengine wakisema sio sahihi kwa kiongozi ambaye ni mbunge na waziri kufanya hivyo, huku wengine wakisema ni sawa.
Lisa Hannah

Baadhi ya maoni:
Andrea Barrett 
Whats wrong with she wearing swim suit to parliament???? Isn’t the attire appropriate for the place she is at????? oh please!!!!!!!!

Edwin Walton 
A little too revealing for a lady in her position, extremely beautiful no doubt but remember, she is the minister… and should be setting an example for the young ladies to look up to her.

Annette Apple Green
“The minister does not seem too acutely aware of her public persona… very nice but i think she should resist the urge to display these photos.”

Corinne Matheson 
Sorry at my age I never have that physique. I wouldn’t have on anything. Leave her alone let she show it off, cho, every damn thing bother oonu

Don Crichton 
Minister… I hardly noticed the bikini … what I am seeing is a woman who is in a very powerful place mentally… and more importantly .. Spiritually.

Keddy-ann Batson
Mi say I don’t know what do some people. You can’t please them….she’s at the beach for god sakes.

Source: Jamaica-gleaner

Je, Una Habari,Picha,Tangazo,Makala,

Hifadhi blog hii kwenye simu yako ili upate habari zote kwa urahisi zaidi

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17 Dec 2014

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