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Wahusika wa masuala ya usalama wamesema huenda ni chuki na hasira tu za mtu binafsi zilizofanya kutokea kwa tukio hilo, watu walikuwa wanasali Emanuel AME Church, Charleston Marekani, akatokea mtu mmoja akafyatua risasi kwa watu waliokuwa wanasali.
Watu tisa wamefariki, bado hakuna taarifa rasmi kuhusu idadi ya watu wote waliokuwemo ndani ya Kanisa hilo… Mtu anayetuhumiwa kwa mauaji hayo ni kijana ambaye anakadiriwa kuwa na umri wa miaka 20 hivi.
Tukio limetokea usiku wa kuamkia leo June 18 2015, Jimbo la Carolina Marekani.
Kanisa la Emanuel AME Church ni Kanisa la Kihistoria ambalo lilijengwa mwaka 1816 ambapo watu wengi wanaosali humo mpaka leo ni Wamarekani weusi.
Jeb Bush ambaye ni Mgombea Urais wa Marekani ameahirisha kufanya Kampeni zake Charleston baada ya kutokea kwa tukio hilo.
A man kneels across the street from where police gather outside the Emanuel AME Church following a shooting Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (Wade Spees/The Post And Courier via AP)
Mmoja wa waumini amepiga magoti nje ya Jengo la Kanisa, pembeni kuna gari za Polisi ambao wamelizunguka Jengo hilo.
Worshippers embrace following a group prayer across the street from the scene of a shooting Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
Baadhi ya watu ambao wanasali katika Kanisa hilo wakiwa wamesimama nje ya Jengo la Kanisa.
Police close off a section of Calhoun Street near the Emanuel AME Church following a shooting Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
An FBI agent walks across the street from the Emanuel AME Church following a shooting Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
Worshippers gather to pray in a hotel parking lot across the street from the Emanuel AME Church following a shooting Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/David Goldman)
Waumini wengine wa Kanisa hilo.

Je, Una Habari,Picha,Tangazo,Makala,

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18 Jun 2015

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