March 19, 2025 09:05:32 PM Menu

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Swali lililokuwepo kuhusu mjengo wa kifahari ambao mshindi wa BBA Hotshots, Idris Sultan ni kama amenunua au amepewa, na tayari mshindi huyo wa $300,000 za Biggy ametoa jibu.

Idris amesema mjengo huo ni wa kwake, na ni zawadi kutoka kwa aliyekuwa boss wake:

Sasa hivi nina status flani kwahiyo natakiwa kujiweka vizuri kwasababu ni kioo cha jamii honestly I need to have a good house, Alikuwa boss wangu ni mwenye kampuni ya Alosco, niko nae karibu, amenipa, amenipa ina kama muda, nahamia huko Jumapili.” Amesema Idris kupitia 255 ya XXL ya Cl;ouds Fm.

Idris alipost Instagram picha ya nyumba hiyo iliyoko Mbezi na kumshukuru mtu aliyempa aitwaye Ghalib Said Mohammed ambaye alikuwa ni boss wake.
Idriss Sultam BBA Winner 2014

I have seen thousands of people through my life time, got helped and expected to do alot in return, broken and crushed with no one to pick me up. I have struggled from ground level with all sorts of sayings like “you will never make it” to where i am now. I have shaken millions of hands not knowing who has good intentions with me. The world is for everyone who has a dream and a good will to it. The world is for all who want to change lives and make people smile. The world full of good hearted people is a dream. I stand today and say “my name is Idris Sultan and am not that special, that unique, that strong than most of you. I just dared to go for what i want, put my heart to it and here i am today. This is just the beginning. You’re welcome to join.” Ghalib Said Mohammed you’re a man with a golden heart i will love to be like you in a blink of an eye. Thank you for my new house. #Godbless #Alhamdulillah #GSM #dream #achieve #dare #youCan #success

Je, Una Habari,Picha,Tangazo,Makala,

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23 Jan 2015

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